Interiors Monthly Magazine

Interiors Monthly incorporates high quality features, news, interviews, company profiles, exhibition previews and reviews. Delivering the most up to date information to inspire, inform and improve UK interiors retailing.  

Interiors Monthly is the only magazine that covers the whole retail interiors market and has the best and most up to date readership you’ll find. With over 6,000 Furniture and Flooring retailers individually requesting the magazine, and with a pass on readership of 2.9 per copy, that’s over 17,000 interiors professionals that will see your sales message each month. 

Interiors Monthly is circulated to the key department stores, multiples and independent buyers across the furniture and flooring retail sectors. Independently requested, this high quality circulation represents the change that is happening in interiors retailing. This is why Interiors Monthly is not only the magazine that truly reflects the whole market, but reaches it.

People Spotlight

In every issue Interiors Monthly brings you in-depth profiles of new and leading retailers as well as key trends, new products and international show news and reviews.

Advice & Trends

To help you grow your business, each month sees important business and marketing advice, features on all important product sectors, interviews with key players and consumer sales data.

Industry news

The UK domestic furniture, flooring and beds market is worth more than £13.2bn at retail, based on AMA Research figures. The furniture market accounts for £9.4bn, flooring £2.5bn and beds £1.15bn.