Carpet Foundation strengthens board

The Carpet Foundation has strengthened its board with the appointment of a non-executive director.

Andrew Gicquel, Ulster Carpets retail sales manager has succeeded Shaun Lewis, following his retirement last year.

Gicquel began his career in the flooring sector in retail and then moving into manufacturing for Woodward Grosvenor as sales office manager before moving to Alternative Flooring as a sales representative and then onto Ulster Carpets.

‘I have always been impressed by the work of the Carpet Foundation, from the Code of Practice for retailers to the publicity it generates for carpet in the press. It is a vital cog in the UK carpet industry, defending us, promoting us and banging the drum for independent retailers and carpet. I very much look forward to working with it,’ says Gicquel.

‘We are delighted to welcome Andrew to our board.  He has a very impressive CV and his experience and expertise will be a great asset to us. We really value manufacturer input, particularly at grass roots level, and Andrew’s role at Ulster will be an invaluable source of insight for us. Ulster Carpets was one of the driving forces behind the origination of the Carpet Foundation and it has always been unwavering in its support. I am sure Andrew will be a force for good,’ says John Duncan, Carpet Foundation chairman.

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