Domotex has been cancelled as physical and online event, instead replaced by a digital day.
The flooring exhibition had previously been moved from its traditional January timing to 18-20 May, as a mixture of online and traditional exhibition at Hannover. In the face of growing coronavirus infections, this has been abandoned in favour of a Domotex Digital Day on 20 May.
‘Trade shows like Domotex, which are characterised by a very high level of internationality on both sides, amongst exhibitors as well as visitors, have a long planning period. Following the recent surge in global coronavirus cases, accompanied by lockdowns, worldwide travel warnings and restrictions and quarantine requirements, we now have had to make this decision. Unfortunately, for the first time in its 32-year history, we will not be able to organize Domotex in 2021 as a physical trade show on our exhibition grounds in Hannover. Even a hybrid Domotex is not realistic in the current situation, as it would require a certain proportion of physical exhibitors and visitors on-site, combined with travel from all parts of the world. We have therefore decided to organise Domotex as a purely digital event, in order to give our customers the necessary planning security from now on,’ says Andreas Gruchow, Deutsche Messe director.
‘Domotex thrives on the live experience. The shown products need to be experienced live on-site in terms of their look and feel. As long as the global pandemic has us so firmly in its grip and a sufficient vaccination rate cannot be guaranteed worldwide, we cannot safely plan for the future with a physical event. Markets thrive on exchange. Our customers are urgently looking for participation formats, which allow them to get in touch with their customers, expand their existing network and access new contacts to present their products and innovations despite contact restrictions. Our answer to these needs is the Domotex Digital Day. A conference format, in which we will address current topics with top representatives of the industry, and provide participants with an interactive business platform. As part of the conference, exhibitors will be able to present their products and innovations, embrace business and indulge into networking and connecting. The specific opportunities for participation will be available in our online store pretty soon,’ says Sonia Wedell-Castellano, Domotex global show director.