Golfing return sees more than £18,000 raised

The post-Pandemic return of the Kidderminster Carpet Manufacturers National Charity Golf Tournament raised more than £18,000.

Returning for the first time since 2019, the 64th holding of the tournament, with Manx Tomkinson s main sponsor, saw an increase in playing numbers. 

The funds will be divided between Macmillan and local Kidderminster charities. ‘They will be so grateful as the support they receive from us makes a huge difference to their operations,’ says Mike Dobson, organising committee member.

Next year’s event will be held from 23-24 May. ‘We look forward to welcoming supporters back to Kidderminster, when hopefully we will see a number of new faces too,’ says Dobson.

Pictured is the winning team Its Good To Be Back.



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