Senior management at Victoria have been awarded share options worth almost £500,000 as part of their long term incentive plans.
Some 66,663 shares were issued as part of the plans at 5p a share, including 45,000 to Philippe Hamers, Victoria ceo under his 2020 LTIP.
Hamers sold 22,000 shares at £8.75 to settle the income tax immediately due on the shares, resulting in him owning 208,000 shares, or 0.18% of the company.
Had the shares been granted earlier, executives would have seen much higher rewards. Since the turn off the year the group has seen its share price plunge by 40%, falling from £12.10 on 2 January to £7.25 on 2 March, wiping more than £570m from its stock market valuation, which stood at £841.33m on 2 March.