Applications have opened for next year’s SaloneSatellite, the young designers exhibition which runs alongside Salone del Mobile.
The exhibition is open to designers under 35.
For full details and to submit an application to be selected contact [email protected].
31 August is the closing date for applications.
‘There’s no doubt that the SaloneSatellite is very important to our career. As young designers we need visibility, and SaloneSatellite is the most influential platform. The result exceeded expectations. We had the opportunity to make contact with specialist magazines and influencers. Last but not least, we met prestigious designers and made new acquaintances from around the world, enabling us to learn from each other,’ says Zhen Bian, co-founder of winner Studio Ololoo for the Deformation Under Pressurelamp.
‘Today we have to not just know how to design, but also how to network. Previously, we had no experience of this, and we were hardly prepared for it. Next time we definitely will be.’
‘Taking part in the SaloneSatellite was an extraordinary experience. Being an architect by training and having only worked in furniture design for two years, I was completely unfamiliar with the dynamics of the industry. So this was an opportunity to exhibit my work in an environment new to me, to receive positive feedback from international experts and companies, as well as making contacts and expanding my professional network. The recognition received was a confirmation of the quality of the work done over the past two years. The SaloneSatellite has not just strengthened my commitment to the world of design. It has also opened up a new parallel path to my career as an architect,’ says Filippo Andrighetto, runner-up for the Veliero bookcase.
‘This experience has taught me that perseverance and commitment always bring their rewards. In addition, I fully understood the importance of the Salone Satellite as one of the most outstanding trade fairs in the sector, and how crucial it is to present my work to create the fundamental connections that will power the future development of my career.’
Image: Ludovica Mangini | Salone del Mobile.Milano